Block printing is a super fun and creative medium that has a very quick learning curve. In this class you will learn to begin printmaking by carving into soft rubber stamp blocks using a Speedball linoleum cutter.. With simple carving tools and your design sensibilities, you can carve a custom set of stamps to add personality and zip to stationery, textiles and more.
Personalized stamps are perfect for Holiday gift tags, wrapping paper, cards and ornaments.
We will be working with 4 X 6 carving blocks. Please bring in an image that you would like to try out. The simpler the better. The block is easily cut into pieces so you may bring a 4 x 6 image or 2 smaller images. I will show you how to easily transfer the images to the blocks. I will also have images to share.
Feel free to bring any cotton textile if you would like to try fabric printing. A t-shirt or dish towel works well. I will have copy paper and card stock for you.
Your ticket price includes take home materials of the a Linoleum cutting set and an extra 4 x 6 rubber carving block to get you started at home. I will also share a full materials list with links after the class.
Dott Ferrari
Wed Dec 4th 6-8pm
$49 includes cutting tool and carving block